The first little kiddo in my life

The first little kiddo in my life

I was trawling through some photos in my laptop and trying to arrange them before my laptop dies on me and I came upon the beautiful pictures of my lovely god-daughter.

1 more with BB That was little EQ 9 years ago.

She’s the first little kiddo who came into my life 9 years ago. As I looked through the photos I had with her, it just brings back memories. She was such an easy baby and toddler and I love spending time with her.

Amused Cheeky smile

Cozy BB

I confess…I stalked her mummy whenever she upload her photos and saved a copy of those super duper cute ones.

On all fours

BB with post it 2 Cutie


Screensaver See.. So sweet right?

The first time I took her for an outing was to Wild Wild Wet…

us in cab at downtown us at entrance

Dancing Enqi

I love this little girl who has grown so fast now that I can’t even catch up with her.

Looking at her baby pictures just reminded me again how sweet this little girl was.



Screensaver Us

DSC01240 I need to take more pics with this little girl.


And of course, by default..she is my flower girl for my wedding day.


A Review of February 2015

A Review of February 2015

It’s a short month and a month that screams ‘LOVE IS IN THE AIR” and “GOOD FOOD & DRINKS”…Plus lots of visitation and holiday for some or most folks.

Short month = short post 😛

Hub and I are never into celebrating V-Day as I personally find it being too commercialized…why would anyone spend a few hundred bucks on a bouquet of flowers and it adds no value and in the end, I would need to make it into a bunch of dry flowers which takes up space. Why should I be paying double the price to dine at a restaurant on this day? Don’t make sense to me at all. Sorry…I am no romantic at heart and the Hub will quote you that “My wife is a very practical person and prefers practical gifts”.

15 Feb 2015 marks the 10th year that we started knowing each other as friends and as the saying goes..Times flies…And this year is our “7th year itch” of our marriage. I am still amazed at how we can continue bearing with each other after so long. I wish that I can say all is a bed of roses but we have our challenges and problems that we need to learn to deal with.

Although statistics show that divorce rate is high in Singapore but we believe that every marriage is worth fighting for. It is what we can leave behind as a legacy for our children; it shows our commitment towards each other; no one is perfect but all of us are work in progress in the Master’s Hands.

10941002_10153119091183530_8680319071756059862_nWe will continue to irritate each other; continue to do the “boring basic” together; continue to test each other patience but we will also continue to love, share and laugh together. Apart from Jesus, I am a better person because of you who came into my life.

I like to leave a word of thought for all married couples…


A Review Of January 2015

A Review Of January 2015

Instead of making new year resolutions that I cannot keep, I decided to do a monthly review this year of what has happened in the month and what I have learnt out of them.

I am that kind of person who likes to do self-reflection but I usually do that when things happen or during the half year mark and year end and the excuse is always I’M SO BUSY!!!

I kind of had a challenging January (although I did went for a trip to Bangkok where a close friend paid for the air ticket) – my youngest boy was hurt twice within just 3 days; my helper “chu pattern” and say she needed to go back to divorce the husband; I was frantically thinking for solutions if she does not come back; received a sudden news that a cousin passed away with no signs and symptoms…

All these that happen taught me something – THANKFULNESS.

images I am thankful for the people that God has placed in my life; especially my family (including my parents, in laws, sister & brother in law); my BFF; my close friends; my staff and buddy at work; my church friends…they are usually my present help in times of need.

I am thankful to my ever faithful God who never gives up on me; He constantly works in my life in ways that I never imagine or thought of; He never gives up on me even when times that I find it hard to trust His hands, times when I am faithless, times when I find it hard to love.

Hearing the sudden death of a cousin, I am thankful that I am still in good health and this is not to be taken for granted. There’s a saying “Health is Wealth” and I think it’s true to a certain extent. I want to be able to serve God and people until the day that God calls me home; even as I grow into old age,I do not want to be a burden to my kids.

1 Thess5:18 “in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”

I’m that kind of mum who…

I’m that kind of mum who…

1. Prays that all her kids will know who Jesus is and have a personal relationship with Him.


2. Hopes that all her kids will grow up strong in God’s house and serve Him in whatever He has called them to.


3. Hopes that no one will call her kids spoilt brats (My friend says she never knew that her good friend aka me can be that “fierce and stern”).


4. Wants all her kids to enjoy and succeed in whatever they venture into.


5. Wants all her kids to have a degree (no choice cos this is SG).


6. Hopes to be a WAHM (Working At Home Mum) one day, hopefully in 2 years time.


7. Prays and hopes that the kids do not irritate her every now and then and wishes that the siblings can stop their sibling rivalry.


8. Secretly hopes to have more “ME-TIME”.


9. Prays that all the kids will grow close to her, sharing with her things about their life even as they grow up, entering into adulthood, etc.


10. Really thinks that her 3 babies (ok technically they are more like 2 pre-schools and 1 toddler) are really cute even though they drive her up the walls.




I freaked out at Popular

I freaked out at Popular

Let me make a confession here…

I am a super relaxed mum where my kids pre formal school education is concerned – I enrolled them in childcare based on Convenience, Costs, Environment (no air-con) and Teacher to Child Ratio (in that order). Thank God that my kids previous and current childcare are all Christian Organizations and hence, I believe that they will teach them values too.

My kids do NOT attend any enrichment classes at all, besides the usual Speech & Drama offered by their child care centre. The reason why is because Daddy & Mummy don’t want to tire ourselves out by having to be the chauffer, the costs involved and I think the kids do not really know what their interests is and what they truly enjoy at this young age.

originalsThe pie chart alone is enough to confuse me with the dozens and dozens of choices out there. So no crazy headache for me… Easy way out… Kids play at the playground downstairs and zap up all their energy.

I always thought that I am so COOL for this until the fateful day I stepped into Popular Book Store (fellow colleague wanted to get some stationery) and I do not know why my legs brought me to the section on all those ASSESSMENT BOOKS!

index   The very “C” nature in me was amazed at how neat the books were arranged.


When I saw the pre-school (K2) section, I FREAKED OUT!!!

I was like OMG!!! What they are learning in K2 seems to be what I was learning in Primary 2. After browsing through a few books, I was bewildered!

indexSuddenly, a thought came to my mind – have I been too “lax” with my kids? I reject that “KIASU” spirit in the name of Jesus!

All along, Hub and me have agreed that we do not want to stress the kids over education especially before any formal education starts as we feel that they have easily 13 or more years of formal education ahead of them once they enter Primary School and we want them to enjoy a childhood where it’s filled with play, fun and laughter.

And honestly, we don’t find our kids lose out in any way. Inez is sociable, relates well to adults and peers, she is pretty smart (at least I think so) and her language abilities is so strong. Alvez though a slower developer in terms of language is very good in puzzle games and his motor skills isn’t too bad. Reyez being he youngest has 2 older siblings to “copy” has managed to pick up strong language skills from the sister though he has barly hit 2.5 years old. He is able to speak a complete sentence like “Daddy haven’t come back”, “Jie Jie is sleeping”…


That thought of me being too relaxed over their education stuck with me for 2 days until I cannot take it anymore and shared with the Hub. As expected from my very calm and composed Hub, he just said “Aiya, relax la…Inez is quite smart and can pick up things very fast. No need to worry…” I was like “What…that’s it?”” from the husband while I pondered over it for 2 days. Oh well, sometimes, I am just to thankful that I married the right man.

So yes.. I pray that I reject that “KIASU” spirit and the kids are still just going to have their lessons in childcare followed by outdoor play on weekends at our trusted playground downstairs.

Goodbye and Thank You, 2014

Goodbye and Thank You, 2014

As I attended the last service of the year and sang the song “I remember”, my heart is filled with thanksgiving and gratitude that my God still remembers me.


I remember

How it feels when Your Spirit sets me free

Closer now than the very air I breathe

I know I belong to You

I remember

How it feels when You speak into my heart

When You whisper that we’ll never be apart

I know I belong to You

I won’t forget how You call me by name

I won’t forget how You covered my shame

When I am lost, You find me again

I remember, I remember You

I won’t forget how You set me apart

I won’t forget how You captured my heart

Every moment I live, I give to You

I remember, I remembered You

Even when the struggles come, I will remember

Your word will never change

Nothing can take away Your hand on my heart

I will remember You

If you ask me if 2014 has been great, well, I would say it was just another year…Nothing to clap & shout about but also nothing to be sad about. Even though it was just another normal year for me, I choose to THANK GOD for it! I choose to thank Him for His faithfulness with gratitude and!

We had a rough start to the year as our previous helper decide to change employer as she decided not to look after kids anymore (later she told us that actually she wanted to stay with us but has to go and replace the SIL who is going back to re-marry). So we were without helper for a few months – it was super tiring & stretching for us; we needed to send Reyez to my in-laws place every Sunday night and bring him home every Friday night. My mum has to come over to my place to cook and fetch the elder 2 kids. I thank God for our parents who were willing to help us during the interim period, what will we do without them? I am thankful to my sister in law who is always so helpful to us.

index Thankful to God for stretching our capacity to handle the kids and we know that when the time comes where we decide to do without a helper, we know we will survive.

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I thank God for stability in my career and knowing that it is because of who He is in my life that I can be such a confident individual at work and excelling at what I do in the office. I am thankful for the amazing supportive, co-operative staff in my office; it makes sharing experience and mentoring you guys easier when your are open to be taught.


I thank God for my friends (you guys should know who you are) – they are the ones who help me keep my sanity at times and help me keep my life in balance. For some, we may not meet that often but we know that we are always in the hearts of one another and I know a phone call or a prayer is never a distance away.

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I thank God for guiding us and helping us to find our dream house (for now until we can have a even bigger one). The journey to finding is nothing short of amazing. We went house hunting for at least close to 5 visits and eventually we bought our current place. We really felt the peace of God when we transacted and He was with us throughout. The valuation was $590K and the COV was $20K during the visit and we were contemplating if we should fork out the COV. But God has better plans! In the end, we only paid a COV of $5K without much bargaining. Praise the Lord!!!


Apart from God, the most important person that I want to be thankful for is the HUB!!! I always thank God for him and this is one of the most beautiful thing that happened in my life!

The Hub is ever super patient, mild-mannered and long suffering. Although there may be times where we will have disagreement and arguments, Hub is usually the one who will give in and make the first step to break the ice. He tries his best to be the best husband and daddy that he knows how. I love his moments of wisdom where he will speak and give sound and wise advice. He is the one who will usually calm my “spur of the moments” and the one who bring stability in my life. He’s ever so secured in Jesus and walks and live life by his conviction. He knows that even when he has no solution or do not know what to do, he will always say Trust God. How not to love a man like him and walk this journey with him.


What has 2014 taught me? That I can be a better person, I can love, share a bit more, I can control my anger a bit more. I can be more gracious towards others. And so I shall ponder and think about the new year resolutions that I think I can keep and achieve.


The 6 legged and occasionally the 4 legged

The 6 legged and occasionally the 4 legged

We just shifted about 3 months ago to our current place; we love 90% of where we are staying now..It’s strategically located in a convenient location where all the amenities can be found – market, 24 hour NTUC, clinics, Guardian Pharmacy that opens till 1 am, Watson, MRT station a stone’s throw away, bus stops just down the house, coffee shops, childcare centre, restaurants like Crystal Jade, Thai Express, Hong Kong Cafe and many more.

The only thing that we didn’t like was the 6 legged that will pay a house visit occasionally!


One major contributing for mosquitoes is the multi-storey car park that is going through upgrading and it happen to be just behind the childcare that my kids are at. It was like every other day  that my elder 2 kids will come back with mozzie bites on their legs. Everyday, I have to tell my helper to spray the repellent for them before going to school and I brought lotions for them to apply in school also after shower time and have to constantly remind the kids and their teacher. Until one fine day that I cannot take it anymore, I actually wrote a feedback to NEA and just as I suspected, there was 2 breeding grounds at the multi-storey car park. After that, I was wondering…am I the only mum who is crazy enough to feedback or was it only my kids who are suffering?


Our estate has lots of greenery and some of the trees grow on a hill and can be as tall as a 15 storey high flat. Once in a while, we will find some insects like grasshopper flying into the living room and the baby in the family thinks this creature is so interesting and will happen to blow it away just by using his mouth. What I personally cannot endure is LIZARDS!!! Even the Hub is afraid to go catch them when we see one. Thank God I have a helper who’s not afraid and will always save me & the kids. This insect is just so GROSS to the MAX….Yeeks, they are so slimy and my hair just stands when I see them. And the best part is I don’t know how they enter the house… In our previous house, at most, you see them outside along the corridor.

Opps….in case you are thinking that we live in a pig sty…NO NO NO… I am very particular about cleanliness… But somehow I attribute these insects to the surrounding after checking with my neighbour. She taught me to hang garlic in teabag to drive away the lizards.

Knowing that I need to “FIGHT” with these 2 creatures (oh, how can I omit the cockroach), I went to Google on natural ways to keep them out of the house and have posted them on my fridge as a reminder to do some of the ideas that were shared. Let’s see how effective they are (and by the way I Google on handling ants, cockroaches, lizards and mosquitoes). 🙂

Motherhood 101: Do you have a fave child?

Motherhood 101: Do you have a fave child?

I remember growing up as a kid, my mum always said she never had a favorite child. She loves me & my younger brother the same manner & the same measurement (like this measurement can even be measured in the first place,hahaha). I remembered she will be as fair as possible to both of us so that we will not think that there is any favoritism.

Fast forward many years later to me where I have 3 kids.

I often find myself caught when I ask this question to myself. Much as I want to be say that I do not practice favoritism and I love them the same. I know deep down in my heart, it is NOT TRUE!

All my kids have their special moment of being my favorite child at different timing and situation.

My youngest boy who happens to be the chubbiest among 3 is the sweetest baby or rather toddler that I have ever met. He is one who seldom rejects mummy whenever I asked for a kiss or hug. And when he kisses, he usually go for the lips. Aw…how sweet is that, right? Every mummy will know how this will melt our hearts. So in times like this, he happen to be the favorite child.


The middle child has his moments of being the favorite child when he seemingly was on his best behavior mode where he does things according to instructions and not throwing the tantrum. We do not want to label or strero-type him as the “middle child syndrome”. When I come to understand that he may be having fear of insecurity, I come to realize that this young man just want daddy & mummy’s love and assurance. At such moments, he becomes the fave child of the moment.

aMy eldest kid is the big sister to these two boys. Being the firstborn, naturally, she has a special place in our heart. She has always been an easy baby to care for (except she does not like to take naps and it’s a chore to ask her to nap) and she loves interacting with adults. As she grows older now, she can be sensible at times when she will caught us by surprise with the words that she used and the maturity that she displayed. During times like this, she will be that fave child.


Two Bakers

Two Bakers

twobakersFinally, I had the time to cafe hop this long weekend!

What better place to go than to show our support to our friend from Two Bakers. We went there after the kids finish “waddling in the pool” and called my mum along. As the kids were so hungry, I forgot to take pictures of the food that we order. So I took some of the pictures from their Face book page.


If you didn’t take a second look, one would have missed this lovely cafe. I like anything that has to do with vintage retro and this was exactly how I felt when entering the cafe. I will definitely post more pictures for my second trip to the cafe.

With so many artisan bakery cafe opening up within the last few years, how is one going to distinguish herself from the rest?

Two Bakers is about 2 ladies who has a dream and passion to chase after what they believe in. One of the director cum bakery chef – Kristal traded a banking career in exchange for a chef suit after enrolling herself in Le Cordon Bleu Paris to learn all about French pastry. Le Cordon Bleu Paris is  a world renowned network of educational institutions dedicated to providing the highest level of culinary and hospitality instruction through world class programs. She spend more than a year mastering her craft, honing her skills and she graduated as one of the top students in her class. I have not been to that many cafes who have chefs who are trained by Le Cordon Bleu. I think quality is what you can expect here if you are a lover of the French pastry and its desserts.

Smoked Salmon with sunny side up

smoked salmonThe Hub ordered this and I think this is a dish that will not fail to delight if you are a fan of smoked salmon and croissant. The smoked salmon is fresh and the croissant is fluffy and it does not come across as being too dry. I always find that croissant are quite difficult to make and till date, the best croissant that I have ever tasted is in a bakery in Sandy Bay, Tasmania. Personally, I think the croissant can be a little bigger and it will be nicer to throw in some cherry tomatoes.

Two Bakers Champion Breakfast

bfastThis was shared between the kids and myself. This dish is a pretty standard affair with most cafes. How can one go wrong with sunny side up, sausages, bacon and bread? I like the wholemeal bread as it was not as hard as it looks like. But the portion can be a little bigger with perhaps two sausage and another slice of bread.

Banana French Toast

banana french toastBoth my kids like the fluffy toast and my mum commented that the bananas were sweet and she said “it must be really fresh” to be able to get such sweetness. Nothing to fanciful but it did capture my boy’s attention enough for him to gobble up all the bananas.

Matcha Puff

matchaIf it is your first visit and you do not mind cream puff, I recommend that you must try their Matcha puff – the cream is very fresh (my mum commented on that) and it does not had that strong matcha taste. I have tasted very strong matcha puff before which make me feel like the smell was overpowering the puff. This puff has a generous layer of matcha cream and it is fresh, light and not too creamy. My girl loves it so much that she even licked the balance of the cream off her fork. Even as I blog, I can still remember how I devour it. Yums!!!


The tart on the bottom left corner is what I am going to try on my next visit. Apparently, it is also their recommended list. I will share more after my next visit. cakesLook at the other varieties of pastry that Two Bakers offer. Don’t they look appealing? They are on my listing for my next visit.

During my visit there today of less than an hour, there was short circuit of 3 or 4 times; reason being that the shop used to be a hardware store and did not had high electricity usage. Two Bakers is still waiting for the electricity to be stabilized after the authorities finished their connecting and testing of the necessary. So, do be patient with them as the shop’s air-con facility is not switched on yet.

A chat with Kristal today reveals that there will be plans of having more items on the menu. Two Bakers is currently on soft launch and most of the visitors are friends and family/relatives. Do checkout their Face Book page on their official opening date and a shout out for them as they are looking to hire.

Do be patient with them for things like electricity which is not within their control. During the day, it may be a little stuffy and hot but hey, you can always visit in the evening. What I feel is the staff are trying their best to make their customers at ease and at home. I like how one of the service staff who came over and chat with us, asking us if things are in order, anything else that they can get for us and even recommending some pastry for us.

I am not blindly writing this just to lend some shout out for a friend but what I see is  people chasing and living out their dreams, which in itself is already an inspiration.

What we did this long weekend

What we did this long weekend

I know how Singaporeans just LOVE Long Weekends! Most people would have plan for a short getaway or a stayaction to rest, relax and chill…most importantly, to release the stress of our city living and hopefully to spend quality time with our loved ones.

In our Low Family, I guess only Daddy is happy over the long weekend as he gets to sleep in since it was his off duty Saturday. The elder two kids knew that it was a public holiday and of course are super happy about it.

We started the Saturday morning at the wet market, meeting my parents for breakfast and the usual “activity” of buying fresh at the market that my mum claim that sells the cheapest yet fresh fish. We wanted to bring Inez and Alvez for the children church children day’s party but both of them probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed and were throwing tantrum the whole morning. In the end, the trip was cancelled and it followed by lots of whining, crying, disciplining throughout the day until they took turn to “zonked out” and napped. We are not heartless parents, ok? 🙂 Daddy and Mummy bake a cake for the family, since we now have a microwave oven and I can sense the days of smelling vanilla essence, the air of freshly made cake and bread will fill the house.

Sunday was the usual church, visiting my mum again at her place and of course, it always end up with us “looting” of food and items back home. For the first time ever, I took all 3 kids to the playground on my own and boy, I think it was an achievement. If you know my kids, you will know how energetic they are, running all over the place like monkeys.


They had the whole playground to themselves and for a moment, I really felt the awesomeness of my 3 kids. I am thankful for the bountiful energy, the boldness, the courage they had when trying out new grounds. Nothing seems to deter them and they had the carefree spirit. Our kids can really teach us a lesson or two in life, don’t you think so?

Today, we brought the elder 2 kids swimming or should I say waddle water?


A friend commented that at first look, he thought which playground got flooded, 😛

This is Jalan Besar Swimming Complex, which is just next door to my mum’s place. Inez and Alvez had a whaling good time and I am happy that it is partly sheltered so that I can escape the sun. Sidetrack a little, we are not biased if you think how come Reyez is not in the picture, this little boy of mine woke up at 630am and refuse to go back to sleep. Thus, we decided that he needs to stay home and nap, if not, we will have a grumpy little human being to deal with in the later part of the day.

When they were much younger and started at those water play areas/places, I always felt that Inez was the bolder one who is not so scared of water. But today, I saw how my boy using his arm floats and the swim float, as if he is starting to learn swimming. I observed him for a while and noted that he knows how to use his legs to kick and thread water. I was like a proud mama standing there (except that I wasn’t in tears, not so drama), seeing how he went on to another milestone – how he has become braver and developing his own sense of confidence. The Hub and I are thinking if we should send him to learn swimming seeing his potential. It could also be a way for him to develop self-confidence and self-worth (if you know my #2, he is a sandwiched kid and displays the middle child syndrome).